Nonnie's Page

Saturday, September 10, 2005

I'm back!

Hey all!
I've had to be gone for a few days. My dad's sister passed away and I've been in Spur. Dad and Granny are doing well. My aunt had cancer and had been very ill for a while. She is in a better place and resting peacefully now.

Tommy and Brian got back from Louisiana the same day I had to leave for Spur, so I only got to visit with them for a short time. I viewed their video they took while in Louisiana and they got some great footage. I called my sister in law, Billie to tell her to tell her daughter in law, Sherrie to get in touch with her contacts at the media and see if they wanted the video. Tommy said he was contacted by NewsWest 9 in no time and they wanted to interview him and Brian. Tommy didn't really want to but finally gave in. He just wanted them to have the video. Well, they showed up at our house Thursday and did their interview and the story was the lead in story for the news that night. Tommy recorded it for me and I got to watch it today. It was a great human interest story. I was really proud of my guys. I really hope it inspired others to help out. Well, that's all for now. I'll try to capture a couple of pictures off the video clips and post them for you all to see.


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