Nonnie's Page

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Look what I got

Oh well it's probably not exciting to anyone but me, but I got an external hard drive today. It's a Maxtor One Touch II 200 GB. It's really awesome. It says it can hold up to 150,000 jpeg pictures. I put all mine on there and I guess it will hold another 147,000 pictures. LOL I also put all my audio books and have started putting my cd collection on it. It's nice to not have to worry about losing everything if your computer crashes. I know I'm a geek.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Bebe, this one's for you


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Our uninvited houseguest

This little guy is trying to move in with us. He's going to have to go. Spideys are not welcome here!! Posted by Picasa

Sit and Spin

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Good Morning Tompaw!

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