Nonnie's Page

Friday, September 02, 2005

Hurricane Damage

Well, Debi, Amber and Chris went back to Pearl River Louisiana today and all was not as good as they had hoped.....I got this email today from Daniel's mother Elwanda:

"Well, we're not as lucky as we had hoped. Amber's house was destroyed, Debbie's house has a tree on top of Danny's garage & there are a lot of trees down all around the place, she can't get in the driveway. She hasn't gone into the house yet, she is just trying to help Amber. Love, Elwanda "

Will post more as it comes in....

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Email from Debi

Hey all,
I got an email from Debi tonight and will share it with you all....

"Just wanted to write everyone while I had access to a computer. We just heard from a friend about our home. Her son was able to get into Pearl River and all is good. We still have a house. I'm sure there will be problems with it but it is still standing and not flooded. They say it might take 2 months before we have electricity but we can deal with this without a problem. I have also spoken to Daniel and that really helped me out. We will take tomorrow to stock up on supplies and head out of Montgomery early Friday morning. Once in the area we will have no way to stay in touch but know that we will all be fine. We still are unsure of Amber and Chris's house but feel pretty good about it since it is in the same area as us. Amber is terribly worried about her animals. Once she sees them okay she will be good. Adam and Amanda are okay also. They live in Hammond and it did not receive hardly any damage there. They took off to some of Amanda's kin folk in Mississippi. Both Chris and Ambers' job places were flooded so it will be a while before they are back at work or they could possible help with the clean up at their job sites. We will see but know that we will all be okay. I can't thank you all enough for all the encouragement we have received from you. We love you all, Debi "

It looks like things are as well as could be expected for them......

Hurricane Update

I talked to Debi's mom again yesterday and she said she talked to Debi again. They are still in Montgomery. Amber's husband, Chris, couldn't get out on a phone line in Slidell, so he drove out of town to make the call to check in with them. Well, they wouldn't let him back in Slidell. He had to go meet Amber and Debi in Montgomery. He told them he had not had a chance to check on their place, so Deb still has no idea of the damage on their home. He also said officials told him it would probably be September 6th before they would let anyone back in. I read on a New Orleans news site last that they would let people back in New Orleans on the 6th with a valid ID, but only to gather up some belongings then they had to leave again for at least a month!!! I plan on trying to call Debi at her motel today. I'll write more when I get it.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Clayton was sick this weekend. He didn't get to come to Carter's birthday party. He's feeling better now though.  Posted by Picasa

Hurricane Katrina

Friends Daniel and Debi are doing well. I talked to Debi's mom this morning and she said Debi, Amber and the kids are staying in Montgomery Alabama. Adam and his family are staying with Amanda's family in Meridian Mississippi ( is there anyone out there who doesn't know how to spell Mississippi?) Amber's husband stayed home in Slidell, Louisiana. They talked to him after the storm and he said it blew out windows in the vehicles because of pressure. They haven't talked to him since yesterday morning and are concerned, but I'm sure it's just because of the communication problems. They don't know about any damage to their place, but they are all ok and that is the important thing. I will report more when I know it. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Lord of the Rings

A new version of "Lord of the Rings" is being filmed in Hollywood right now. This is the actor they have chosen to portray Gandolf. What do you think????

Monday, August 29, 2005

Carter's 1st birthday

Well, Carter just had his big 1 birthday party and it was a hit! His mom and dad cooked burgers and sausage dogs for around 40 or so family, friends and neighbors. His aunt Amanda make his birthday cake. It was yummy. I made the butterfinger cake and I think everyone liked it. Carter raked in the presents. He got all kinds of toys, a few clothes, and a couple of gift cards.

All that loot and this is what he was playing with the next morning. Happy birthday to Carter and happy 15th birthday to our cousin from Oklahoma, Matthew.